Good morning peoples! I've been meaning to start my blog back up recently; so I thought no time like the present.
Well, where to start?! I've finally moved out of the shit hole that is Brownhills, moved in with my beautiful girlfriend Janine, and to top things off.. I will be a Dad come September!! I can't wait, he'll be the most awesome baby ever :). I get to turn him into a Villa fan, teach him bass, and be a generally crazy dude just like his Dad!
Ahh.. so how can things get better than that? Well life's good with the band, we headlined our first gig a month back, we're coming out with some great new material and things are really moving forward. We've done some rough demos of our tracks; here's our best one so far "Torment"!
So there's a quick catchup on how life has panned out for me for the past 8 months or so. Catch ya laters!