Thursday, 24 February 2011

Long Time No Blog!

Good evening peeps! It's been a very long time since I last posted an update on ye olde Blogger, so here we are!

Where to start.. How about music?! After a jaunty split of the jam band I was in "Calculon", I decided to jump back on the band bandwagon! I posted up a classified and awaited replies. In total I had about 7 or 8 offers, some small bands, some playing gigs in the Academy in Birmingham and such-like. Anyway, I chose to audition for this alternative rock/metal band called The Sacred Sun.

The first audition went terrible, I wasn't with it that day and I didn't do myself any justice. After that Saturday I was contemplating hanging up the bass for good, my confidence had been given a serious blow. The guitarist from the band invited me back for a second shot, and it went really well. They offered me a place in the band, which I graciously accepted!

I chose them for a few reasons.. I saw the motivation in the band straightaway, they have a drive to succeed more-so than I've ever experienced. I mean, the last couple of bands I've been in have been alright, but there wasn't enough dedication being put in by some members, nor did I really feel I had much say in matters. This new band are still coming up from the roots, and I can tell it won't be long til we're gigging and making a name for ourselves! The material that we've got already is really good, all the guys know what they're doing and they execute it really well. I look forward to contributing my own writing to the band. It's a team effort, everyone has a say, bouncing ideas off each other and making some great music.

Moving on to a new development that came up just this week! I applied for a College course in Electrotechnical Technology, it's a part-time course working towards a BTEC in being a Sparky! I went along on Tuesday, and they seemed impressed with me. I got offered a place on the course that day and I should be starting it in September should all go to plan funding wise! It's definitely time for a career change, should it be where I am now or moving onto something completely different. 3½ years in the same job doing the same part-time hours is grating on me needless to say..

Cya for now guys!